โดย Bumm Wannuwat » จันทร์ 31 มี.ค. 2014 12:12 am
ตอนนี้ใช้ Network เป็นแบบไหนครับ Internal Network หรือ External Network ครับ มี ERROR CODE อะไรไหมครับ
ขอ Cap screen มาให้ดูหน่อยครับ Log ด้วยนะครับ
ลองดู ที่เก็บ log ตามนี้นะครับ MDT Logs แนะนำใช้ tools "CMtrace" มาอ่าน Log จะอ่านง่าย หรือเอา Log มาโพสก็ได้ครับ
Each MDT script automatically creates log files when running. The names of these log files match the name of the script—for example, ZTIGather.wsf creates a log file named ZTIGather.log. Each script also updates a common master log file (BDD.log) that aggregates the contents of the log files that MDT scripts create. MDT log files reside in C:\MININT\SMSOSD\OSDLOGS during the deployment process. Depending on the type of deployment being conducted, the log files are moved at the completion of the deployment to either %WINDIR%\SMSOSD or %WINDIR%\TEMP\SMSOSD. For Lite Touch Installation (LTI) deployments, the logs start in C:\MININT\SMSOSD\OSDLogs. They end up in %WINDIR%\TEMP\DeploymentLogs when the task sequence processing is complete.
MDT creates the following log files:
• BDD.log. This is the aggregated MDT log file that is copied to a network location at the end of the deployment if you specify the SLShare property in the Customsettings.ini file.
• LiteTouch.log. This file is created during LTI deployments. It resides in %WINDIR%\TEMP\DeploymentLogs unless you specify the /debug:true option.
• Scriptname.log. This file is created by each MDT script. Scriptname represents the name of the script in question.
• SMSTS.log. This file is created by the Task Sequencer and describes all Task Sequencer transactions. Depending on the deployment scenario, it may reside in %TEMP%, %WINDIR%\System32\ccm\logs, or C:\_SMSTaskSequence, or C:\SMSTSLog.
• Wizard.log. The deployment wizards create and update this file.
• WPEinit.log. This file is created during the Windows PE initialization process and is useful for troubleshooting errors encountered while starting Windows PE.
• DeploymentWorkbench_id.log. This log file is created in the %temp% folder when you specify a /debug when starting the Deployment Workbench.